German and Georgian Rail Look to Middle East

German and Georgian Rail Look to Middle East

An agreement signed by Deutsche Bahn and Georgian Railway looks to open up new markets
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Deutsche Bahn and Georgian Railway have signed an agreement focusing on a strategic partnership to strengthen the European, Middle Eastern and Asian multimodal transportation corridors.

Alexander Doll, Member of the Board of Management for Freight Transport and Logistics at Deutsche Bahn, and David Peradze, CEO of Georgian Railway, signed the deal in Berlin, Germany.

Doll said: “This strategic alliance is mutually beneficial and marks a cornerstone.

“Maintaining close ties with Georgian Railway will help us to further grow our business as it puts us closer to the Asian market and opens up new perspectives for future endeavours.”

At the signing of the agreement in Berlin: David Peradze (left) and Alexander Doll (right)
At the signing of the agreement in Berlin: David Peradze (left) and Alexander Doll (right)

Peradze said: “Georgian Railway is very active in developing Europe-Asia corridors. Therefore, it is logical that we partner up with Deutsche Bahn.

“Together with DB we are going to team up and foster international freight transportation and offer competitive products. This certainly will benefit us and increase competitiveness of Georgian logistics market.”

n the context of this cooperation, Deutsche Bahn will be responsible for organizing transports within the EU by rail freight.

Multimodal transports will be handled by its subsidiary DB Schenker.

Georgian Railway will be responsible for cargo transports with the destinations of the Middle East and India, with trains coming from Constanta and passing through Georgia and Azerbaijan, as well as for transports to East Asia via the Caspian Sea.

The newly-formed partnership will also foster the mutual support between the companies in multiple ways, including the exchange of resources such as knowledge, expertise, information as well as employees.

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