Watch: Rolls-Royce Release Ship Health Solution

Watch: Rolls-Royce Release Ship Health Solution

Autonomous ship giant bring maritime IoT one step further
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Rolls-Royce has released a new maritime solution for ships and vessel equipment that brings IoT one step closer to a maritime reality.

Rolls-Royce Health Management for vessel equipment is designed to provide ship operators with an unsurpassed level of understanding of the operational health and performance of all the machinery installations onboard.

A fleet-wide introduction of sensors and information technology systems onboard today’s ships, enables the Health Management system to manage all the amassed data using advanced machine learning technology, via the Cloud.

Health Management technology pushes machine learning into edge computing and delivers immediate feedback to the crew on board about the conditions of the equipment manufactured by Rolls-Royce as well as third party equipment.

Read more: Rolls-Royce Unites with AXA in Smart Ship Drive

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