Smart Technology

We Are Still a Long Way from Fully Realising the Benefits of Technology: Dr Yvo Saanen

TLME News Service

During the fourth session of TLME's Future-Proof Technologies Conference held in Dubai, conference moderator Lars Jensen asked Dr Yvo Saanen, Director of Portwise if the ports and logistics industry was miles behind where it thinks it is - as far as technology is concerned.

Dr Yvo Saanen was of the view that there was a lot of readily available technology today that was not being properly utilised.

As far as technology adoption was concerned, Dr Saanen pointed to several terminals that had state-of-the-art terminal operating systems (TOS) but were not using them to their fullest potential - even though some of the technologies have been available for more than 20 years.

The reason for this Dr Saanen explained was a resistance from senior and lower-level management due to various reasons. The wrong approach by many players in the industry towards technology implementation has led to poor results in most cases.

Dr Yvo Saanen Highlights the Promises and Pitfalls of New Technologies