Smart Technology

Providing Customers with a Single Window View of their Data is Crucial: IQ Robotics

TLME News Service

Continuing the second session of the TLME Future-Proof Technologies Conference held recently in Dubai, conference moderator Lars Jensen asked Fadi Amoudi, CEO of IQ Robotics, how are they managing the data they provide to customers in the absence a uniform standard for the same?

Mr Fadi said that IQ Robotics has built an end-to-end logistics platform in which they had mapped various data points available from different service providers into an integrated platform so their customers had a single view window of information on their logistics operations.  

IQ Robotics had also incorporated some AI tools into their platform in order to give clients the best data possible, added Mr Fadi. The company makes sure that any platform that IQ Robotics develops for their customers has reliable data from third parties available to them as and when required.

Any data that comes into the information ecosystems of their warehouses or other facilities that IQ Robotics rolls out, is captured and incorporated into their inhouse data to provide customers and 3PLs with a reliable source of information, concluded Mr Fadi.

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