Smart Logistics

Tristar KSA Commissions Fleet and Warehouse for Dangerous Goods

TLME News Service

Tristar KSA, an energy logistics company of the Tristar Group, recently commissioned its fleet and warehouse for the safe transporting and storage of ChampionX products.

ChampionX is a global leader in oil and gas production chemistries, delivering cutting edge technology, unwavering supply assurance, and critical problem solving in a safe, cost effective, and environmentally focused way.

A senior ChampionX supply chain and management team, led by Steve Thomas, recently visited the Tristar KSA facility at the Modon second industrial city in Dammam, to inspect the fleet and dangerous goods (DG) warehouse, which has a storage capacity of 10,000 pallets.

The fleet includes stainless-steel tankers, which are equipped with an operating box or pump room installed at the rear of the vehicle instead of at the bottom of the tankers. This change in the location of the operating box helps to facilitate safer operations.

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Depending on the product density, viscosity and head pressure being transported, the pumps of Tristar KSA tankers are operated by air or hydraulics with no external electric power or diesel generator required.

These innovative systems, which were designed by Tristar KSA, support more sustainable operations while also protecting the physical well-being of drivers.

Aous Ali, Tristar KSA Country Manager, said: “Tristar KSA is the first transporter in Saudi Arabia to have introduced a unique and innovative tanker pumping system in chemical tankers which is designed to meet not only clients’ operational requirements but also sustainability requirements.

"These were initiatives done by us with the support of our head office in Dubai. To be precise the tanker pumping system which is an air-operated double diaphragm (AODD) pump will use the air source from the truck compressor.”

Steve Thomas, ChampionX Supply Chain Director, commented: “With a focus on localizing our operations and meeting our stringent requirements for both safety and quality in Saudi Arabia, ChampionX needed to find the right supplier who could provide a safer and more sustainable solution for our bulk deliveries and DG storage requirements within Saudi Arabia.  

"Tristar, who we work with in UAE, are known for their high safety standards and expertise in handling DG within the MENA region. With this experience, we have identified Tristar KSA as a strategic supplier in KSA.

"Our teams work closely together to ensure we deliver the desired expectations for safety and service, meeting our customer needs locally.”

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