Air Transport

Martin Drew to Leave Etihad Aviation Group by End of September: Reports

TLME News Service

According to reports, Martin Drew, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Cargo, is leaving Etihad Aviation Group by the end of September.

One report in the The STAT Trade Times, had an Etihad Spokesperson saying: “Martin was instrumental in leading our sales and cargo operations over the past few years having driven considerable revenue growth and fortified our partnerships with trade and corporate partners, freight forwarders and other key stakeholders around the world.

"His leadership of Etihad Cargo was especially critical over the past few years when it was an essential lifeline through the pandemic."

Currently serving his notice period, Mr Drew is hoping "... to go back to England and spend time with my family" and intends to work from home for part of his notice period.

Mr Drew has been working with the Abu Dhabi-based aviation group for over 18 years.

His service includes stints in New York and then in London where he was given the responsibility for Etihad’s activities in the Americas and Europe, including passenger sales.

Mr Drew returned to cargo operations for Abu Dhabi in November 2020 as managing director for cargo and logistics with additional reponsibilities as VP of the global sales and marketing departments.

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